Meet the Founders, Tory & Michele

We know about the challenge of addiction from personal experience. For 40+ years combined, we’ve struggled with dysfunctional relationships, food, alcohol, and drugs. And during the majority of that time, we wanted to stop but all of the common solutions were unsustainable and inevitably lead to relapse.

We’ve tried talk therapy, rehab, 12 Step Programs such as AA, Al-Anon, NA, Anger Management, group therapy, CBT, hypnosis, and pharmacology. None of it ended addiction for us.

Until we found a method that works… No longer identifying as ‘addicts’ has been our reality for the past 5 years. The methods that worked for us (that we now teach) are so effective that the neurology we once had when using has been completely rewired.

Our goal is to end addiction, not just in the lives of our clients, but in the world. You deserve to live life feeling good in mind and body. Trusting yourself to know how to thrive is available to all of us and is easier to access than you have been taught to believe. If you’re ready, we’re here to help.

Meet Gary,

Development Director

I know about addiction from personal experience. For years I’ve struggled with alcohol and drugs. And after reaching a point where I just couldn’t do it anymore, I was able to get the help I needed to stop.

After completing an impatient treatment at a residential rehab I needed to plan for the next steps to stay sober. The recommended support programs didn’t resonate with me, but I knew I needed some kind of support plan.

I found a method that works… The methods that worked for me are exactly what we teach in the Evolve Beyond Recovery Program and Recoverance Programs. The tools and classes were easy for me to bring into my life. I got the support I needed to say sober after rehab and I finally feel so free in my life. I am not controlling myself or scared of my sobriety. I finally ended my relationship to addiction.

I love my sobriety and I believe in this program so much that I now build relationships connecting Addiction Treatment Facilities and Recoverance to grow our program nationwide. I want people to have an easy transition from treatment to post treatment and back into a fulfilling life.

Our goal is to end addiction, not just in the lives of our clients, but in the world. You deserve to live life feeling good in mind and body. It’s not as far away or as hard as you might think. If you’re ready, we’re here to help.



“I had been wanting a sober life for years, but didn’t know how to achieve long-term success until I was introduced to Tory & Michele. They taught me techniques to tap deeper into fear, sadness, and anger. I began using the tools the next day and my life began to change instantly. I use the tools every time I have a craving. Over time, the tools have begun to rewire my brain and those triggers “to use” are beginning to no longer exist.

— Angelina, EBR Graduate

“Upon completing rehab, I was seeking an alternative approach to assist my recovery. My goal was to be part of a community and in a state of living where I didn’t have to journey through life “white knuckled”, fearing relapse. Tory & Michele opened my eyes to EBR and I have reached my goal! I highly recommend EBR to anyone with similar goals…..I no longer live in fear of my sobriety!

— G.S., EBR Graduate

EBRP tools teach you how to successfully manage compulsive behaviors and addiction by moving the “uncomfortable feelings'' and connecting them to deeper levels of self- awareness. They teach you how to deal with your “stuff” in healthier ways instead of reaching for something outside of yourself. These techniques helped me avoid self-sabotaging behaviors by welcoming all aspects of myself.”

— A., EBR Graduate